Ensuring Decent Working
Ensuring Decent Working




Conference in Szklarska Poręba on 12-13 April 2024

On 12 -13 April this year, a conference was held in Szklarska Poreba, summarising the project ”Ensuring Decent Working conditions in Poland (with a particular attention to Ukrainian refugees)”.
It was attended by around 40 people, representing company and supra-company trade unions in Poland, the Ukrainian community in our country, as well as representatives of academia, NGOs and the State Labour Inspection.
As part of the discussion after each speech, conference participants referred in detail to the theses and views of the experts presented. Particularly debatable were the whistleblowers, who can provide opportunities for better prevention in the area of labour law and thus better compliance with labour law in workplaces. The topic of Sunday trading also aroused great emotion, as working on Sundays is an extremely debatable point within the framework of decent work, the idea of worklife-balance and the correct combination of family and work obligations.




Ensuring Decent WorkingEnsuring Decent Working

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