The following activities are planned for the project:
- preparation of a project website presenting the most important events and online publications aimed at Ukrainian refugees.
- Preparation of an e-learning tool for social partners: "Organize, Support and Facilitate Integration!", which will enable strengthening the sustainability of project work and extensive use of accumulated expertise. The e-learning tool will include thematic mini-instructions, infographics, charts and a video tutorial and will be widely disseminated to OPZZ regional councils and OPZZ-affiliated trade unions.
- The organization of three two-day workshops related to strengthening the implementation of the Decent Work Program, directed to members of trade union organizations. Experts will not only lead the workshops but will also gather information and materials to identify and respond to the needs of stakeholders in the manual being prepared.
- Develop a manual of best practices for supporting refugees in the labor market in Polish and Ukrainian. The handbook will include guidelines summarizing good practices and recommendations for supporting refugees, namely the right to decent work, and support provided in the workplace. An additional online focus group and roundtable (face-to-face) will also be conducted to discuss in detail the results of the workshop, gather more detailed information and discuss key obstacles related to the effective and dignified integration of Ukrainian refugees into the Polish labor market.
- Preparation of a conference to define the role of social partners in shaping decent working conditions for refugees and migrants The conference will last 2 days, and will be attended by 30 people. The conference will be attended by representatives of sectoral, regional and national trade unions, representatives of employers' organizations, representatives of Ukrainian communities and NGOs supporting Ukrainian refugees in Poland, and representatives of public institutions and public employment services. The aim of the conference will be not only to present the results of the projects to date but also to increase understanding of the comprehensive process of creating decent working conditions for refugees. The conference will be the closing event of the project. Participants will present their points of view, and discuss the next steps to be taken to improve the effectiveness of the implementation of the Decent Work Agenda in Poland with a special focus on the development of decent work conditions for Ukrainian refugees.